Personal insurance with Borland


Personal insurance with Borland

Private Clients

Borland Private Clients believe that the owners of fine homes, valuable possessions and prestige motor vehicles require specialist insurance advice and coverage.

Protecting your assets and personal wealth
For us, insurance is not a commodity to be considered once a year.  It’s an integral part of managing a client’s personal assets and wealth.  If your homes and possessions change through the year, so will you insurance needs.  We maintain regular contact to ensure that cover remains adequate and to prevent unwelcome surprises after a loss.

Tailored to you
We take time to understand a client’s lifestyle upfront: what’s important to a client, how they live their life, the additional services they require.  Anticipating changing needs, we can recommend intelligent solutions that adopt with a client’s lifestyle.

A client should never have to change their lifestyle to meet a policy’s requirements.  A policy should adapt to the client.  So, we only partner with insurers who honor your freedom of choice and don’t restrict the way you live your life.

Price is naturally an important factor.  By combining all your needs into one policy, we can create a more cost-effective solution.

Effortless for you
Effortless because we create the policy best suited to you and reduce your administrative burden.  Effortless because our portfolio approach distils the process to just one policy, one renewal date and one premium amount.

A personal service for each client
Each client has a dedicated account manager who knows them and their needs.  We will always respond promptly and meaningfully.

Get in touch with one of our experts.

For more information about our corporate insurance or small business insurance solutions please contact one of our offices or send us an email enquiry.

For more information or to arrange a full personal insurances review
Call: 01592 205605 | Email: privateclients@borlandinsurance.co.uk